Information about the PTI Achieve programme
PTI Achieve is a personal development and employability
skills programme with its main aims being -
- to enhance the personal development and employability skills
for students, emphasizing on careers and preparation for work with opportunities
to link up with employers
- to provide young people with the space and attention they
need to learn skills, develop confidence, raise aspirations and improve their
attitude to learning as well as to form a sense of ownership of their work and development.
- to empower students
to make decisions and develop leadership skills
- to prepare students for progression into further education
programmes or into the world of employment.
List of topics studied
- Career Planning
- Work Experience
- Project Based Learning
- Teamwork Skills
- Leadership Skills
- Digital Skills
- Undertaking an Enterprise Project
- Community Project
- Managing Money
- Well Being - Healthy Lifestyle
- Customer Service
- Personal Development
- Sustainability
- Presentation Skills
- Well Being - Physical Activity
PTI Achieve complements all other subjects in the vocational and applied route and includes
activities such as teamwork,
discussions, hands-on practical activities and outdoor activities. Students have the choice to work towards different
qualifications at different levels (MQF Level 1, MQF Level 2 and MQF Level 3). PTI
Achieve at MQF Level 3 (ordinary level) is a recognized qualification at MCAST
and ITS. There are no annual exams related to PTI Achieve and all work is
assessed through a portfolios (or eportfolio) of evidence done in class
throughout the scholastic year. Students’ evidence can be in various formats
such as written, digital, audio, video and visual.
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Informazzjoni dwar il-programm PTI Achieve
PTI Achieve huwa programm ta’ żvilupp personali u jiffoka
fuq ħiliet meħtieġa u mfittxija fid dinja tax-xogħol. L-għan ewlieni ta’ dan
il-programm huwa li -
- jgħin fl-iżvilupp personali tal-istudenti
- jagħti l-ħiliet meħtieġa u mfittxija fid-dinja tax-xogħol
- jagħti lill-istudenti
l-ispazju u l-attenzjoni meħtieġa biex isaħħu dawn il-ħiliet, isiru aktar
kunfidenti u responsabbli fix-xogħol tagħhom kif ukoll jitgħallmu jieħdu
d-deciżjonijiet it-tajba
- jgħin lill-istudenti biex ikunu ppreparati aħjar
għall-edukazzjoni postsekondarja kif ukoll għad-dinja tax-xogħol.
Lista ta’ ħiliet li l-istudenti jiżviluppaw waqt il-programm
- Ippjanar ta’ karrieri
- Esperjenza ta’ xogħol
- Proġett personali
- Ħiliet li jeħtieġu biex jaħdmu f’tim
- Ħiliet ta’ tmexxija
- Ħiliet diġitali
- Proġett ta’ intrapriża
- Proġett fil-komunità
- Immaniġjar ta’ Flus
- Tħejjija għal stil ta’ ħajja sana
- Servizz lill-konsumatur
- Ippjanar ta żvilupp personali
- Sostenibilità
- Ħiliet Intrapersonali
- Ħiliet għall-preżentazzjoni
- Parteċipazzjoni f’eżerċizzju fiżiku
PTI Achieve jikkumplimenta lis-suġġetti kollha fir-rotta
vokazzjonali u applikata u jinkludi
numru ta’ attivitajiet differenti bħal diskussjonijiet, ħidma f’tim,
attivitajiet prattiċi kif ukoll attivitajiet barra l-klassi.L-assessjar marbut
mal-Achieve huwa assessjar kontinwu matul is- snin. M’hemmx eżamijiet marbutin
ma’ dan is-suġġett u l-istudenti jiġu assessjati fuq evidenza li jipproduċu
marbuta mal-ħiliet diversi. L-evidenza
tista’ tkun miktuba, mitkellma, viżwali jew anke diġitali.Il-programm PTI
Achieve jwassal għal tliet stadji ta’ kwalifikazzjoni li huma MQF Livell 1, MQF
Livell 2 jew MQF Livell 3 (livell ordinarju). MQF Livell 3 huwa rikonoxxut
mill- MCAST u mill-ITS.
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The PTI Achieve Learning Hub is the venue for all events organised by the PTI Achieve Education Officer for educators and students in the state, church and independent sector, together with other centres delivering the programme. The Learning Hub implements on a regular basis a programme of professional training for educators, Internal Verifications, meetings and hands-on sessions.
Ms. Maureen Amoroso
Education Officer - Prince's Trust Intermational Achieve Programme
(Alternative and Applied Learning)
Department for Curriculum, Lifelong Learning and Employability
Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes
PTI Achieve Learning Hub
c/o Centre for Physical Education and Sport
Triq Joseph Abela Scolaro
Tel: +356 25983694 Email: maureen.amoroso@ilearn.edu.mt